Contact Scoutmaster Mr. Kevin Radics:
Contact Committee Chair Mrs. Graceann Bisig:
The Boy Scout program is for boys 11 to 17 years of age. Boys who are 10 years old may also become a Boy Scout if they have earned the Arrow of Light rank as a Cub Scout or they may join after March 1st when they are in the fifth grade. The Scouting program has three specific objectives, commonly referred to as the "Aims of Scouting." They are character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.
Troop 17, Boy Scouts of America (Lenape Trails District, Northern New Jersey Council), is chartered through St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church in Short Hills, New Jersey. As part of the parish’s service to youth, SRL provides access to its gym for weekly meetings, functions and other critical resources. Since 1945, more than 110 young men have attained the rank of Eagle Scout through Troop 17. The Scout leadership is comprised of Senior Patrol Leaders Arshaan K. and Nathan E.. Mrs. Bisig serves as the Committee Chair and Mr. Kevin Radics serves as Scoutmaster.
In addition to weekly meetings, the Scouts of Troop 17 participate in numerous activities, including monthly campouts to regional camps and well-known sites like Gettysburg, PA, and Battleship Cove, MA. A week-long camping opportunity is offered each summer for Scouts to earn merit badges. Hikes, white water rafting and volunteer service projects help to round out the experience.
Troop 17 meets Thursdays from 7:20 p.m. to 9 p.m., September through June. Meetings take place in the gym of St. Rose of Lima school. The Troop welcomes male youth (and their families) of all denominations and is open to those of the greater community.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Thursday, March 13
- Thursday, March 20
- Thursday, March 27
- Thursday, April 3
- Saturday, April 5
- Sunday, April 6
- Thursday, April 10